Why Donate To
Hearing In Color?

Hearing in Color is proud to create innovative ways to share music and stories; and collaborate with our community.

If you have loved watching Hearing in Color performances over the years, help us continue that work for another 50 years with your donation in any amount. Thank you for helping us present stories grounded in truth.

Your support allows us to present public performances that consider a diverse range of income levels and accessibility within each community. 80% of all donations go directly to our artists and production staff so that we remain an example of the equitable organization needed in our arts community.

Hearing in Color is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN: 92-1724246). All contributions for the charitable purposes of Hearing in Color are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


Want to get involved? Reach out, we’d love to hear from you!